In short: normal salt is bad for you, and bamboo salt is healing.
Reason 1: Table salt and sea salt contain bitter sharp substances.
These bitter sharp substances trigger blood to clot, make blood thicker/mucous and thus cause high blood pressure. In the bamboo salt process, the enormous heat of the fire ensures that cadmium, mercury and lead, for example, are removed. These toxic minerals melt at 300 ° C and disappear from the salt as a result of the heating. This is a scientific method for largely removing toxic substances.

Three reasons to prefer bamboo salt to table salt, kitchen salt or sea salt.
Reason 2: The bamboo salt minerals and trace elements are made more active by the ionization of the heating.
This is not the case with sea salt, table salt, kitchen salt and salt. Because bamboo salt has been roasted 1 to 9 times, the trace elements and minerals present are strongly ionized. This makes these minerals and trace elements easily release electrons or attach to them. Due to the heating process the trace elements and minerals get a very high activation and a high absorption capacity in the human body.
Reason 3: Good minerals and trace elements are only useful if we can absorb them.
Bamboo salt ensures better digestive absorption. In general one can say the following about the absorption of minerals and trace elements. If trace elements and minerals are bound by organic substances such as plants, they are easily absorbed. Pure minerals from the earth are difficult to absorb. Colloidal minerals dissolved in water are so small that you cannot see them and are very easily absorbed. Bamboo salt contains colloidal minerals.

Bamboo filled with sea salt and ends sealed with red clay. Conclusion: bamboo salt has a medicinal effect.
Conclusion: bamboo salt has a medicinal effect
Salt, sea salt, table salt and table salt, not really.
The bamboo salt process is a scientifically proven way to
- remove impurities from the sea salt
- make the trace elements and minerals more active
- to improve the absorption capacity of the minerals and trace elements.

Kitchen salt, table salt are harmful when too much is consumed.
Kitchen salt and table salt are harmful when too much is consumed.
And we actually consume too much table salt. It’s in everything. Therefore do not use it at home any longer. Table salt tends to raise blood pressure. It is partly responsible for diabetes and other diseases. Bamboo salt is healing. It balances the blood pressure and blood sugar in your blood. It neutralizes and removes toxic substances. Bamboo salt provides trace elements and strengthens your immune system.