Omega oil

Sources for the file on omega oil

Sources and scientific research on omegas (omega oil, omega 3, omega 6…)

Omega fatty acids have a number of important health effects, we cannot live without them. Unfortunately, the consumption of omega 3 fatty acids is often too low. In this file about omega oil you can read why omega oil is so important for our body.
Below you will find the sources and the scientific research used on which these conclusions are based.

(1) ‘Okinawa Program’, p. 112
(2) Udo Erasmus, ‘Vital fats, fatal fats’, p. 75/76
(3) Udo Erasmus, ‘Vital fats, fatal fats’, p. 77
(4) Patrick Holford, ‘The Optimum Nutrition Bible’
(5) dr. Atkins, ‘Anti-aging diet revolution’
(6) Anna Elling, ‘The primal diet’ p. 13/33
(7) Mary Enig, ‘Facts About Fats’
(8) Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina ‘Becoming vegan’
(9) Artemis Simopoulos and Jo Robinson ‘Omega plan’, p.44
(10) Andrew Weil, ‘Eating Healthy, Being Healthy’, p. 91
(11) dr. Bob Arnot, ‘The breast cancer prevention diet’, p.73
(12) Bruce Fife, ‘Saturated fats may save your life’, p. 53
(13) ‘Nutrition Almanac’ p. 22. FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
(14) Gartner, Stahl and Sies, ’97 am j clin nutr
(16) Ann Gittleman, ‘Eat fat and loose weight’, p. 80-81
(17) Ann Gittleman, ‘Eat fat and loose weight’, p. 81
(18) Udo Erasmus, ‘Vital fats, fatal fats’
(19) Brenda Davis ‘Becoming vegan’, p. 63
(20) Mary Enig, ‘Facts about fats’ p. 76, 114, 115
(21) Udo Erasmus, ‘Fatal fats, vital fats’, p. 76-77
(22) ‘Age-defeying diet revolution’, p. 175
(24) Bruce Fife, ‘Saturated fats may save your life’, p. 57
(25) Bruce Fife, ‘Saturated fats may save your life’, p. 55
(26) Udo Erasmus, ‘Vital fats, fatal fats’, p. 75-76
(27) Dorgan J., Am Jclin nutr 1996, 64 (6) p. 850-855
(28) Udo Erasmus, ‘Vital fats, fatal fats’, p. 75/76
(29) Udo Erasmus, ‘Vital fats, fatal fats, p. 209
(30) Adrea Papas, ‘Vitamin E Factor’ 1999
(31) dr. Ulrich Stunz ‘that Vitamin Revolution’ 2003
(32) foreword by Dr. Le Compte in ‘Your heart and vitamin E’ by C. van het Kaar
(33) Barry Sears ph, “Anti Aging Zone”, p. 62
(34) dr. Atkins ‘Age Defeying Diet Revolution’, p. 182
(35) Superior Health Council of Belgium, nutritional recommendations revised version 2000
(36) Linus Pauling, p. 155, ‘How to live longer and feel better’
(37) recommendations on antioxidants
(38) Bruce fife, ‘Saturated fats may save your life’, p. 55
(39) Total Health, no. 23, Prof. dr. André Theriault univ.of Hawaï, study done by 6 research centers around the world
(40) Andrea Papas, ‘Vitamin E total health’, no 23, Prof. dr. André Theriault, univ. of Hawaii, study of univ. of California.
(41) C. van het Kaar ‘Your heart and vitamin E’, ‘Vitamin E and leg complaints’.
(42) dr. Atkins ‘Age Defeying Diet Revolution’, p. 80, p. 86
(43) dr. Ulrich Strunz & Andreas Jopp, ‘Die vitamin revolution’ p. 152
(44) dr. Davis, a former US government health adviser.
(45) Deborah Cadbury ‘Dying Sperm’ p. 13, p. 170
(46) Colborn, Dumanoski, Myers, ‘Our stolen future’, p.40
(47) Colborn, Dumanoski, Myers, ‘Our stolen future’, p. 215
(48) Colborn, Dumanoski, Myers, ‘Our stolen future’, p. 127
(49) Colborn, Dumanoski, Myers, ‘Our stolen future’, p. 62,63,160,161,187,188,189
(50) Colborn, Dumanoski, Myers, ‘Our stolen future’, p. 202
(51) Colborn, Dumanoski, Myers, ‘Our stolen future’, p. 248
(52) dr. Ulrich Strunz and Andreas Jopp, p. 148
(53) Deborah Cadbury, ‘Dying Sperm’ p. 195
(54) ‘The Okinawan Programme’, p. 46
(55) ‘The Okinawan Programme’, p. 106, not even counting the fantastic catechins in the tea, you get those for free on top.
(56) Jean Carper, ‘Nutrition and Intelligence’ 2002, p. 8
(57) Jean Carper, ‘Nutrition and Intelligence’ 2002, p. 87
(58) Ann Gittleman, ‘Eat fat and loose weight’, p. 97
(59) Holman, Johnson and Ogburn, 1991 Proc natl acad sci
(60) Rudin and Felix of the Department of Molecular Biology, Eastern Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, omega-3 oils.
(61) dr. A. Stoll, psychopharmacologist at Harvard Medical School
(62) Michel E and Al, 1995, journal clinical pediatrics
(63) Stevens L, 1995, American Journal of Clinical Nutr. & physiology & behavior
(64) Richardson A. Mansfield college and university lab of physiology, Oxford 2002
(65) dr. Carlos Ibarren, European j clin nutrition 2004, 3581 adults were examined.
(66)Tomohito Hamazaki of Toyama medische Medical and Pharmaceutical University
(67) Scientists from BariIlan University in Ramat Gan
(68) Morris C., St Lukes Medical Center, 2003, ‘Consumption of fish and omega-3′
(69) Dutch Consumers’ Association, July 2002, Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA
(70) A 1997 study by Sano, Ernesto, and Thomas, published in the New England Journal of Medicine. A ‘controlled trial’ on selegilline, alpha-tocopherol, or both in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
(71) dr. M. Peet, Psychiatric Department of the Northern General Hospital in Shefield
(72) Udo Erasmus, ‘Vital fats, fatal fats’, p. 75 and 76
(73) Radack, Deck and Huster in ann int med ’89
(74) Udo Erasmus, ‘Vital fats, fatal fats’, p. 83
(75) dr. Ulrich Strunz and Andreas Jopp, ‘Die Vitamin Revolution’, p. 145 and 146
(76) Leslie Kenton, ‘Natural Menopause Revolution’, p. 384
(77) Udo Erasmus, p.171 ‘Vital Fats, Fatal Fats
(78) Indu, M and Ghafoorunissa. N-3 fatty acids in Indian diets – comparison of the effects of precursor (alpha linolenic acid) vs. product (long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids). Nutrition Research 1992; Vol12:569-82./ Masters C. n-3 Fatty acids and the peroxisome. Mol Cell Biochem 1996; 165: 83 –93
(79) www.fao/docrep/V4700E/V4700E08.htm/emken et al, 1992
(80) Ghafoorunissa SA. Requirements of dietary fats to meet nutritional needs and prevent the risk of atherosclerosis – an Indian perspective. Indian J Med Res 1998;108:191-202. /Emken EA, Adolf RO and Gulley RM. Dietary linoleic acid influences desaturation and acylation of deuteriumlabeled linoleic and linolenic acids in young adult males. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1994; Full. 1213, pp 277-88. /Gerster H. Can adults adequately convert -linolenic acid (18:3 n-3) to eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n-3)? Internat J Vit Nutr Res 1998;68:159-173./ Burge GC, Jones AE and Wootton SA. Eicosapentaenoic and docosapentaenoic acids are the principal products of alpha linolenic acid metabolism in young men. Br J Nutr. 2002 Oct;88(4):355-63. / Burge GC and Wootton SA. Conversion of alpha-linolenic acid to eicosapentaenoic, docosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in young women. Br J Nutr. 2002 Oct;88(4):411-20.
(81) Johanna Budwig, ‘Flaxoil as a true aid’, p. 13
(82) Sanders, TAB and Hinds, Allison. ‘The influence of a fish oil high in docosahexaenoic acid on plasma lipoprotein and vitamin E concentrations and haemostatic function in healthy male volunteers’, British Journal of Nutrition, Vol. 68, July 1992, p. 163-73
(83) Dean Ornish, ‘Program of reversing heart desease’, Bruce Fife, ‘Saturated fats may save your life’, p. 56
(84) Lindner 1990, FDA cracks down on fishy ads: those oils pills aren’t a cure-all, American Health 99’91
(85) Annals of internal medicine, 1988 p. 663,
(86) Harvard Medical School health letter, 1989 14 (10)
(87) Bruce Fife, ‘Saturated fats may save your life’, p. 45
(88) Bruce Fife, ‘Saturated fats may save your life’, p. 45
(89) ‘Atherosclerosis’, 3 1988, p. 73, Harvard Medical School 1989
(90) Artemis Simopoulos, ‘The Omega Plan’, p. 151
(91) ‘Fat flush protocol, flaxseeds can be harmful, is this true?’
(92) Bruce Fife, ‘Saturated fats may save your life’, p. 66
(93) Mary Enig, ‘Facts about fats’, p. 44
(94) Stephen Walsh PhD, ‘Plant Based Nutrition and Health 2003’, p. 90
(95) Stephen Walsh PhD, ‘Plant Based Nutrition and Health 2003’, p. 86
(96) Prof. dr. dr. Andre Theriault, University of Hawaii, ‘The Right Vitamin E – Toctotrinols’, Total Health – Vol. 23, n°2
(97) Indirect Food Additives and Polymers: migration and toxicology. Lewis 2000, p. 1144-1145, Sheftel, vo. DHPE (High Density Polyethylene: Ziegler HDPE)
(98) Stephen Walsh PhD, ‘Plant Based Nutrition and Health 2003’, p. 88
(99) L. Staessen, D. De Bacquer, S. De Henauw, G. De Backer, C. Van Peteghem: ‘Fatty Acid Composition of the Belgian Diet’: estimates derived from the Belgian Inter University research on nutrition and health; ann. nutr. metab. 1998; 42 (3): 151-159
(100) min. YG Ghelzemeshel K, Crawford MA, NAM. A., KOO JN Suzuki H. int. J. Vitam. nutr. res. 2000 Mon; 7c(2): 70-5
(101) Relation between Linolenic acid and coronary artery disease in the national heart, lung and blood institute family Heart Study. Boston University. Djousse L. Hopkins PNO
(102) M. Murray, J. Beutler, understanding fats and fats, 1996, P54. Fabio, Mazzanti, King 1991, King, Geary, list 1990, List, Friedrich, king 1989
(103) T. Madsen et al, American journal of clinical nutrition 2003,; 89:517-522, the effect of dieary n-3 fatty acids on serum concentrations of C-reative protein: a dose response study
(104) L. Rallidis et al, atherosclerosis 2003;167:237-242, dietary alpha-linolenic acid decreases C-reactive protein, serum amyloid A and interleukin-6 in dysplipidaemic patients.
(105) Danesh (2000); John Danesh et al, british medical journal,2000;321:199-204, low grade inflammation and coronary heart disease
(106) Paul M Ridker et al, new England journal of medicine 2002;347;1557-1565, comparison of C-reactive protein and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol n the prediction of first cardiovascular events.



Bart Maes

Published by
Bart Maes
Tags: omega oil

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