
Resources and references on polyphenols.

Several articles on polyphenols and olive leaf extract. Written by Bart Maes. The organic veggie man. His articles always have a strong scientific background. No nonsense and no chicken talk.

Special thanks to: Professor Benlemlih M, Dr. Ghanam J and Professor H. Joyeux. In their work Polyphenols in olive oil, plants and olive leaf extracts, invaluable for health

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Khayyal MT et al., “Blood pressure lowering effect of an olive leaf extract (Olea europaea) in L-NAME induced hypertension in rats” Arzneimittelforschung 52(11):797-802, 2002
Manna C, Migliardi V, Gollino P, SCognamiglio A, Galletti P, Chiariello M, Zoppia V. ,“Oleuropein prevents oxidative myocardial injury induced by ischemia and reperfusion” Journal Nutr Biochem, Aug 2004;15(8):461-6 , 2004
Bao J, Zhang DW, Zhang JZ, Huang PL, Lee-Huang S, “Computational study of bindings of olive leaf extract (OLE) to HIV-1 fusion protein gp41.” FEBS Lett. 2007 Jun 12;581(14):2737-42. Epub 2007 May 21
Jemai H. et al., “Lipid-lowering and antioxidant effects of hydroxytyrosol and its triacetylated derivative recovered from olive tree leaves in cholesterol-fed rats, Journal Agric Food Chem. Issue 56(8):2630-6, 2008
Yamada K, Ogawa H, Hara A, Yoshida Y, et al, “Mechanism of the antiviral effect of hydroxytyrosol on influenza A virus including H1N1, H3N2, H5N1, H9N2” Antiviral Res. 2009 Jul;83(1):35-44. doi: 10.116/j.antiviral.2009.03.002. Epub 2009 Mar 24
Jemai H. et al., “Antidiabetic and Antioxidant Effects of Hydroxytyrosol and Oleuropein from Olive Leaves in Alloxan-Diabetic Rats” J Agric Food Chem, 2009 Oct 14;57(19):8798-804
Vlassios Goulas, Vassiliki Exarchou Anastassios N. Troganis Eleni Psomiadouet al, “Phytochemicals in olive-leaf extracts and their antiproliferative activity against cancer and endothelial cells”, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, Volume 53, Issue 5, Pages 600-608, 2009
Poudyal H. Et al., “Olive Leaf Extract Attenuates Cardiac, Hepatic, and Metabolic Changes in High Carbohydrate-, High Fat-Fed Rats” J Nutr. 2010
J. Munoz-Marin et al, “Cytoprotective effect of hydroxytyrosyl alkyl ether derivatives after oral administration to rats in a model of glucose-oxygen deprivation in brain slices.”, Journal of Agricolture Food Chem. 60(31):7659-64, 2012
Castaner O. et al. “Protection of LDL from oxidation by olive oil polyphenols is associated with a downregulation of CD40-ligand expression and its downstream products in vivo in humans”, Journal Clin Nutr. 2012 Mar 21
M. Kostomoiri, A. Fragkuoli, M. Sagnou et at, “Oleuropein, an Anti-oxidant Polyphenol Constituent of Olive Promotes -Secretase Cleavage of the Amyloid Precursor Protein”, Cell Mol Neurobiol., 33(1): 147-54 , 2013.


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Bart Maes

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Bart Maes

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