Red Palm Oil

Red palm oil and vitamin E

How to remain young? Tocotrienols (vitamin E) in red palm oil

Vitamin E was discovered in 1922. Since then vitamin E has been described as idealally in the struggle against illness, the fertility vitamin and the vitamin/antioxidant which can ensure that we will live longer.

Vitamin E is often referred to as the bodyguard of the cell walls. It is known that vitamin E prevents fats in our body from oxidizing, i.e. ‘turning rancid’ or ageing. Thus dementia is often the consequence of the oxidation of fats and the fact that brain cells turn rancid. Pigment spots on the skin are the consequence of oxidation due to sun; both are the result of shortages of carotenes and vitamin E.


Vitamin E is the general name for the two families of vitamin E: Tocotrienols and to copherols. Each family contains 4 types, i.e. the alpha, beta, gamma and delta type. Maybe you take a vitamin E supplement? But what is usually lacking in a vitamin E supplement? Tocotrienols.

Most supplements exclusively contain alpha-tocopherol. Two separate studies reported that it is unwise to take high doses of alpha-tocopherols without the tocotrienols. (172) In fact alpha-tocopherol is never present on its own. It is always a mix of tocopherols and tocotrienols. If we trust nature to always provide us with what we need and in an ideal ratio then the ideal vitamin E supplement should be a mix of tocopherols and tocotrienols. (172) In 1971 Slover demonstrated that red palm oil is the richest source of tocotrienols. (157) At present there is no other rich and natural source of tocotrienols and vitamin E than red palm oil! (30) The vitamin E found in palm oil consists of 30% tocopherols and 70% tocotrienols. Tocotrienols form an important vitamin E family.

What does medical science have to say about tocotrienols (vitamin E)?

  • They help remove fat accumulations in the aorta.
  • They reduce LDL or bad cholesterol
  • They strengthen our immune system (especially the T-cells) by 65%
  • They are extremely strong antioxidants (40 – 60 times stronger than the tocopherols)
  • They can stop the growth of cancer cells (especially in breast cancer)
  • They protect the skin against UV rays

They slow down the ageing process Chlorine in tap water and oestrogen therapy will complicate vitamin E absorption.


Natural vitamin E in red palm oil is 3 times better than a synthetic vitamin E supplement

  1. Generally speaking synthetic vitamin E (i.e. one type of vi- tamin E, DL-alpha-tocopherol) is generated by petrochemical processes. This type of synthetic vitamin E is 50% less func- tional than natural vitamin E, will spend less time in the body and does not fulfil all the same functions as the natural vitamin E complex. Natural vitamin E will be trans- ferred three times more between mother and foetus than synthetic vitamin E. (143)
  2. Moreover the whole vitamin E group (8 types) works better than a comparable dose of one of the individual members of the vitamin E family. This is because the other members have other functions. Thus gamma-tocopherols will better protect the brain from nitric oxide than alpha-tocopherols (143). And so a mix of tocopherols and tocotrienols is capable of preventing breast cancer while alpha-tocopherol was un- able to do so on its own (143).
  3. Thirdly so-called natural vitamin E in capsules is often not the same as the one found in plants such as red palm oil. Most so-called natural d-alpha-tocopherols are other vegetable tocopherols, which are transformed into alpha-tocopherols through methylation. Professor R. Acuff of the Eastern Tennessee State University says: ‘our study shows without a doubt that natural vitamin E is almost twice as beneficial as synthetic vita- min E.’ A 1998 study by Professor Traber (Linus Pauling Inst.) showed that natural vita- min E is absorbed twice as well in the blood as its synthetic variant. Synthetic vitamin E is also excreted more rapidly and in higher content. Apparently the body is capable of distinguishing between the two, says Professor Traber.

Vitamin E and the heart and blood vessels

The oxidation of fats plays an important role in the development of atherosclerosis, the process which among others causes heart attacks. Vitamin E is a very important vitamin to prevent the oxi- dation of fats. Dr. J. Breslow, the President of the American Heart Association, in 1996 stated: ‘Vitamin E prevents cardiovascular disease.’ (143) According to Dr. André Theriault, a professor at the University of Hawaii, the tocotrienols in red palm oil can have cho- lesterol-reducing properties. Another important fact is that vitamin E helps prevent blood platelets from clotting, another important mechanism in the origin of atherosclerosis. (143) Palm tocotrienols can reduce cholesterol levels by 15 to 33% in six to eight weeks. And the good news is that the ‘good‘ HDL cholesterol did not decrease. (172) The World Health Organization concluded, based on a study, that the vitamin E lev els in blood are the best indicator to help determine the risk of heart attacks. (128) Vitamin E prevents the clotting of blood platelets, reduces blood pressure and helps prevent blood clots. (129) Several studies have shown that the intake of vitamin E in food can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 50%. (130)

Vitamin E and cancer

Professor K.K. Carroll (1997) and Guthrie (1997-1998) of the University of Western Ontario in Canada have demon- strated that tocotrienols can stop the festering and division of cancer cells in breast cancer patients. Gamma-tocotrie- nol from red palm oil is three times stronger than Tamoxifen (a medication used in breast cancer treatments) when it comes to stopping cancer cells. This in contrast to tocopherols, which had no impact at all on the growth of cancer cells. (158) Tocotrienols from red palm oil are better suited to preventing tumours than tocopherols. (139) Tocotrienols from red palm oil help prevent breast cancer, independent of the oestrogen status. (140) Tocotrienols do not only prevent cancer growth, but also contribute to the death of tumour cells (apop- tosis). (142)

Vitamin E and skin

The world-renowned vitamin E specialist, Professor Packer of Berkeley University in California, has demonstrated that the antioxidant function of tocotrienols is much higher than that of tocopherols and that these can pen etrate the skin and protect it from outside oxidation stress, such as the sun’s UV rays. When you apply red palm oil on your skin, the tocotrienols are quickly integrated in the bottom skin layers. (172) Skin cancer and melanomas can be stopped with delta-tocotrienols. Red palm oil protects the skin against UV rays and air pollution. Tocotrienols provide the body and the skin with the natural tools to protect themselves. (172) Alpha-tocotrienols protect 40 to 60 times better against oxidation than alpha-tocopherols. (141) Vitamin E can also serve as a suntan lotion because it absorbs UV-B rays (143). Ozone provokes the forming of free radicals in the skin. Vitamin E can also counter the forming of free radicals and thus skin ageing (143).

Natural vitamin E of red palm oil protects against the sun. Most suntan lotions contain D-alpha-tocopherolate or D–alpha-tocopherolinolate. Both will not help stop the oxidation of fats due to the sun. Red palm oil will. (143, p. 274). The local application of mixed tocopherols and tocot rienols, as found in red palm oil, has been proven to be more effective than their absorption via food in order to protect the skin from nitric oxidation. (143, p. 277) Prevention is better than curing.

Superfood for computer users: make your eyes stronger with superfoods. Eat spinach and red palm oil once a week.

Vitamin E and the eyes

French researchers have discovered that vitamin E can help prevent age-related macular degeneration (Alternative Medicine 07.2000). People with the lowest vitamin E levels in their blood had an almost four times higher risk of cataracts than those who had the highest vitamin E levels. The risk of macular degeneration is also somewhat lower. Gamma-tocopherols seem to be more effective here than alpha-tocopherol. (143)

Vitamin E and athletes

Athletes produce huge amounts of free radicals during their sports activities. The tocotrienols in red palm oil protect them against the oxidation of aminoacids (the essential components of protein) and fats during major physical efforts. (172)

Vitamin E and the brain

D. Harman, who laid down the theory about free radicals, has demonstrated that vitamin E can improve the mental capacities of mice to a great extent. (131) Vitamin E will slow down the degeneration in Alzheimer patients. (143) Vitamin E shortages also affect the nervous system. Vitamin E shortages will cause stiffness in rats, will cause rotting brain cells in chickens and will cause spastic movements in rabbits and hamsters. (143)

Vitamin E and fertility

Male and female rats became infertile in a diet without vitamin E. Vitamin E shortages can cause miscarriages. (143)

Becoming healthy? Substitute refined fats with natural healthy foods and your body will heal itself.
‘The natural power in each of us is the biggest healer’, said Hippocrates. Neither the doctor, nor the medication will heal us: our natural regulatory mechanism will restore the balance in our body (homeostasis). Our body is the hero.

What does the co-enzyme Q10 do?

The co-enzyme Q10 is a substance required by your enzymes to do their job. Co- enzyme Q10 will promote the functioning of the heart, the brain and the liver. Co- enzyme Q10 protects cells against free radicals as an antioxidant. Co-enzyme Q10 will help your cells release the energy that they need. Every unrefi ned oil such as extra virgin coconut oil and red palm oil contains this enzyme.

Bart Maes

Published by
Bart Maes
Tags: red palm oil

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