Fermentation without pasteurisation is helpful
Having a varied diet and drinking unpasteurised products helps our body to obtain various microbes. The earth and its inhabitants are all interconnected. Biodiversity is the key to the survival of species such as humans. Your body is an ecosystem that can only function properly if it contains certain microorganisms. Wild fermentation can help with this.
Wild fermentation is a fermentation process in which microorganisms from the surrounding environment are incorporated into the food while it ferments.
If you do this at home, house organisms will be absorbed in your digestive tract. Together, we are strong! Some hostile organisms will have to battle an army of various microorganisms.

Nobel laureate Elie Metchnikoff studied 100-year-olds in the Balkans who had raw yogurt in their diet. She came to the conclusion that the lactobacilli of live yogurt prolonged their lives and reduced the risk of infectious diseases.
Vandana Shiva, the Indian activist, firmly opposes industrialised and homogenised food. It is time, she says, to take matters into our own hands. Wild fermentation can help with this.