In countries where a lot of coconut oil or coconuts are generally consumed, we see very low mortality rates of covid-19 or Corona. Coconut oil, ketogenic - MCT, Resistance and Covid-19 In countries where a lot of coconut oil or coconuts are generally consumed, we see very low mortality rates of covid-19 or Corona.
What is MCT, MCT oil and the ketogenic diet? ketogenic - MCT What is MCT, MCT oil and the ketogenic diet?
MCT oil can help in regulating symptoms of epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and autism. Coconut oil, ketogenic - MCT MCT oil can help in regulating symptoms of epilepsy, Alzheimer’s and autism.
6 Scientifically proven Health benefits of MCT oil. ketogenic - MCT 6 Scientifically proven Health benefits of MCT oil.
What does Julie van den Kerchove have to say about MCT oil? ketogenic - MCT What does Julie van den Kerchove have to say about MCT oil?