Black garlic

The power of fermentation

A boost for your immune system and a better intestinal flora Fermented food is easier to digest, has a different…

5 years ago

Fermentation transforms healthy food into superfood

Fermentation transforms healthy food into superfood There are many examples in nature and in the kitchen where fermentation yields an…

5 years ago

Flu, bronchitis, viral infections, herpes, intestinal parasites, candida and the common cold stand little chance. These problems are quickly remedied with fermented garlic (aged garlic).

Flu? Common cold? Aged garlic helps strengthen the body's natural defences. Research shows that by eating black garlic regularly, your…

5 years ago

Liver disease, fatty liver, poor gallbladder function, or mercury, lead or cadmium poisoning? Use aged garlic.

Fermented, or aged, garlic greatly improves the liver function, even more so than raw or cooked garlic. Garlic helps one…

5 years ago

SAC and SAMC in fermented black garlic

SAC can reduce the risk of stroke and neurodegenerative damage. SAC (S-allylcysteine) is a substance found in garlic, a sulphur…

5 years ago

Chefs have discovered black garlic

10 ways to use fermented garlic? Black garlic dishes and recipes Enjoy the benefits of fermented garlic, which doesn't have…

5 years ago

11 benefits of black garlic vs regular garlic

Black garlic has more benefits than regular garlic, without the typical garlic smell. Black garlic has more benefits than regular…

5 years ago

Fermented black garlic protects the cardiovascular system.

Black garlic reduces the chance of heart attacks, vascular diseases and atherosclerosis Black garlic reduces the chance of heart attacks,…

5 years ago

What is the therapeutic dose of fermented garlic?

What is the therapeutic dose of aged garlic extract or black garlic? What is the therapeutic dose of aged garlic…

5 years ago

Black garlic prevents and cures infections, don’t give the corona virus a chance

Don't give the corona virus a chance, with black garlic. Get rid of viruses, bacteria and other unwanted intruders! You…

5 years ago

Diabetes and fermented garlic as close friends

Black garlic appears to be significantly more effective than fresh garlic. Having high blood sugar is very unhealthy. It…

5 years ago

Black garlic, a list of the 20 health benefits:

Black garlic, a list of the 20 health benefits Black garlic is more powerful than raw garlic …

5 years ago

Cancer and black garlic

4 ways in which fermented garlic can reduce the risk of cancer: Black garlic inhibits the growth of cancer cells…

5 years ago

Black garlic or fermented garlic

The effects of fermented garlicare supported by more than 700 scientific studies.Fermented garlic, or black garlic, is fragrance-free andsignificantly…

5 years ago