
Date sugar, date paste and date syrup contain more antioxidants than mango, kiwi, strawberry, orange or banana. Antioxidants protect us against aging and diseases of affluence such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. They also fight inflammation.

Refined sugars contain no antioxidants and, on top of that, rob us of vitamins and minerals. They empty our bodies. Date products do the opposite. They fortify our body with antioxidants and replenish our supply of minerals and vitamins.

Read everything about dates and date products in this file.

Dates and date products for top performance of athletes

Dave Scott (The Man) is for many the fittest athlete ever. Dave walked on bananas, dates, figs and water. He…

3 years ago

What do endurance athletes and diabetics have in common?

If diabetics or endurance athletes opt for dates, date sugar , date syrup and date paste , this has a…

3 years ago

Dates in the fight against diseases of affluence

Date products and dates have been scientifically studied . Extensively studied. They have proven their worth against pancreatic cancer in…

3 years ago

Date sugar is not refined sugar.

Date sugar is actually the dried date very finely ground. So it is not the sugar extracted from dates. It…

3 years ago

What is date syrup or date syrup?

Date syrup or date syrup are the same. They are synonyms. Date syrup is unique in the world of syrups…

3 years ago

Date paste as a healthy sweetener

Date paste is made from lightly ground dates, which are pressed into a hard and semi-hard paste. It contains no…

3 years ago

Date sugar, date paste and date syrup have a low glycemic index

One sugar is not the other. Also, not all blondes are stupid. Date products have a relatively low glycemic index…

3 years ago

A summary of the nutritional values of dates, date sugar, date syrup and date paste

Dates and date products contain at least 8 minerals and 10 vitamins. They are a source of fiber. Including polyphenols…

3 years ago

Lots of polyphenols and lots of antioxidants in dates

Date sugar , date paste and date syrup contain more antioxidants than mango, kiwi, strawberry, orange or banana. Antioxidants protect…

3 years ago

Science, sources, references about dates and date products such as date sugar, date paste and date syrup

Scientific Reports [1] MI Asif, OA Tahir, AF Farah The effect of some chemicals and growth substances on pollen germination…

3 years ago

Date sugar compared to coconut blossom sugar and refined sugars

Date sugar compared to coconut blossom sugar (gula java) and refined sugars (cane or beet sugar, white or brown) Sugar…

5 years ago

10 ways to use dates in the kitchen

There are many ways in which you can use dates and date products, such as date syrup, date paste and…

5 years ago

Dates and date products throughout history and cultures

In the past, entire tribes in the Arabian desert survived on this special fruit. Unesco has recognized the date culture…

5 years ago